A Critical Study on Nuclear Energy and Its Impact on The Environment and Human Health
By M. Gomathi, Advocate.
Energy is the catalyst for both economic expansion and human advancement, multiplying the effects of human labor. Scenarios for the necessary energy growth in the nation can be constructed using the well-known relationship between energy growth and economic growth, as represented in terms of elasticity. Energy growth scenarios have been created for each country and area, including India, as well as for the entire planet. Drawing from both the current state of affairs and anticipated developments, various observations can be made: (1) Unevenness in energy consumption is a reflection of unequal development in various parts of the world; (2) the developed countries are not only using a large share of energy supplies, they are also using the cleaner energy options; (3) as the developing countries move ahead on the development path, the demand for energy resources will gallop and will cause a situation of stress in the energy supplies; and (4) under these circumstances, it is necessary to utilize all energy resources and pursue research and development in identifying new energy resources and energy technologies.[1]
[1] M.R. Srinivasan, R.B. Grover, S.A. Bharadwag J, “Nuclear Power in India, Winds of Change”, Economic and Political Weekly, Dec.3, 2005, p.5183.