Case Analysis: Taj Mahal Hotel Vs United India Insurance Co. Ltd
Riddhi Bang, a student at NALSAR University of Law, Hyderabad.
Reasonable care is a crucial part of the law concerning bailment in India. The case of Taj Mahal Hotel vs United India Insurance Co. Ltd was a landmark judgement setting the law on the liability of hotel owners with regards to cars given to the management for valet parking. The questions of whether valet parking gives rise to a relationship of bailment in the first place, and if it does, what is the limit to which care has to be exercised by hotels and whether they can contract out of such liability have been addressed in this case. This case not only sets precedent for cases involving the degree and quality of services to make sure that the interests of the consumer are protected but also reduces unnecessary burden from the hotel owners in cases where a mishap happens despite they having exercised enough care.