NLR Journal
Cyber Crime Against Women In India
Bhagyashri V. Neware, Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad.*
In the digital age, Information and communication Technology(ICT) is benefiting billions across the world by bridging certain gaps and multiplying human potential in every walk of life. Digital services provision that is being developed for our society has enormous positive potential. The internet has revolutionized the way businesses approach and conduct work. In the social media platforms as a major cause of increasing cyber- crimes against women in the Indian society. the legal remedies available under various piece of legislations dealing with the menace of cybercrime have been focused upon. The role of government in the current legal scenario and the accountability of the government is also discussed in detail. The paper concludes by considering the loopholes in the system, that neither the provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 nor the Information Technology Act, 2000 satisfactorily deal with such offences and fail to provide adequate safety measures to curb the same.
Keywords :- Cyber crimes, Information Technology, Legal Remedies, India, women.