Economic Sanctions: Are They Worth It?
Sushant Mankame, LLM, Symbiosis Law School, Hyderabad
Economic sanctions are widely been used as a tool today to alter the behavior of the target country to meet the imposing country’s own foreign policy ambitions. However more often these tools turn out to be nothing more than the assertions of the imposing country hurting itself more than the target country. The global, sweeping, and aggressive enforcement of sanctions by countries especially the developing ones have produced rather antithetical results. Countries now need to introspect their own notion on the wide use of ‘Economic sanctions’ before and after imposing them to make certain that its benefits outweigh its probable cost.
This paper thus tries to appraise, introspects ‘Economic Sanctions’ and their impact on both the imposing and the target country. This study has been done in light of the recent ‘Nepal Trade Blockade of 2015’.