Protection Of Biodiversity And Traditional Knowledge From Biopiracy In India
By Subhashree Mukherjee, Former Academician.*
Mother earth is full of bio diversities. Each country has its own biodiversity. Indigenous people of a country have their traditional knowledge. Life of indigenous people regulated medicinally protected by indigenous knowledge. Biopiracy of that traditional knowledge is committed by foreign countries from decades. Traditional knowledge is the production of intellectuality of brain of human beings. Laws relating to IPR has also provided some protections to traditional knowledge. WTO with other organizations of USA, UK has started campaign against biopiracy of traditional knowledge. India fights for farmers rights and against biopiracy . Indian has some laws regarding IPR, which does not cover each and every aspects of traditional knowledge. Indian traditional knowledge is in need of a specific legislation against biopiracy.
* The author is a former academician and has done her LL.M. (2013) from Vidyasagar University, West Bengal.