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Rights Of Muslim Women In Case Of Unpaid Dower

Shivansh Gaurav, School Of Legal Studies, CMR University, Bengaluru*.


In accordance with Islamic law, dower is a prerequisite for marriage. Dower is a related Arabic word, Mehr. Muslim women have the exclusive right to receive money from their spouse before, during, or at any point after marriage. This privilege is known as dower. Although receiving dower improves a Muslim wife's security situation in a marriage, she is not always entitled to it. The Muslim woman may not be entitled to dower in certain circumstances. Understanding the complete Dower concept as it applies to Muslim law is the focus of this study. The purpose and significance of dower are also briefly explained in the paper. The paper also addresses some of the pertinent case rules with regard to how a Muslim woman might be able to recover an underpaid dower.


* The author is a B. Com LL.B. (Hons.) student at School Of Legal Studies, CMR University, Bengaluru.

Rights Of Muslim Women In Case Of Unpaid Dower-NLR
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Journal Details
Abbreviation: NLR 

ISSN:   2582-8479 (O)

Year of Starting: 2020

Place: New Delhi, India

Accessibility: Open Access

Peer Reviewer: Double Blind



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