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Ms Punam Mazumdar, LLM, Progressive Education Society’s Modern Law College, Pune


Children are one of the most vulnerable categories in the Indian society. Recognising this vulnerability, our constitution has, introduced various provisions for promoting welfare of child. So, it becomes responsibility of every stakeholder of this democratic system to contribute to the protection of children. Media, being such a stakeholder, share the same responsibility. But of late, it has been seen that Indian media has ignored this responsibility and put more focus on selling sensational news. Children are often easy target and it is seen that Indian media is more focussed on issues related to child exploitation rather than covering actual child right matters. In this whole affair, children’s privacy, rights, and emotions get neglected. This article is an attempt to analyse from a socio-legal perspective, how children should be represented in Indian media, and how their rights can be protected. The study is limited to print and electronic media only.

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” - Jim Morrison

Journal Details
Abbreviation: NLR 

ISSN:   2582-8479 (O)

Year of Starting: 2020

Place: New Delhi, India

Accessibility: Open Access

Peer Reviewer: Double Blind



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Publisher: NLR Journal

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